We Believe
- Children are seen as active participants in creating their own learning environment within a safe indoor/outdoor program that fosters their well-being and development.
- A child initiated play based program stimulates children’s learning, exploration and social connections.
- Children are trusted to make choices and are part of setting up daily rituals.
- Encouraging and supporting children in developing self-help skills, empowers them to become independent learners.
- Children explore through a variety of sensory-based experiences. We aim to support every child’s unique learning style, their innate curiosity and their desire to play with confidence.
- Children have access to a range of sensory-rich, open-ended and durable resources that supports their holistic learning and development.
- Encouraging healthy eating practises along with healthy physical play experiences is important in a child’s early development.
- Families are the primary influence on their child’s learning and development.
- Respectful partnerships between Educators and each family are nurtured and valued.
- All families have the opportunity to discuss the development and wellbeing of their children in a professional and confidential environment.
- Everyone (Children, Educators & Families are given opportunities to share their natural gifts and skills. All members of our community experience moments of receiving and sharing guidance.
- Positive, warm relationships with children, other Educators and families is the most important element in ensuring everyone feels safe, satisfied and connected.
- Educators are intentional in their approach to creating meaningful opportunities for learning.
- Educators explore and share diverse pedagogical practices and experiences.
- Educators are intrinsically motivated to reflect on and enhance their professional development.
- In having passionate and enthusiastic Teachers/Educators a part of our community to support the intention of our philosophy and vision along with their unique style of facilitating a children’s play space.
- Making connections with the school and local community allows children to develop their sense of belonging.
- The Lucknow community is enriched by celebrating and sharing similarities and differences.
- Lucknow are dedicated to learning about and acknowledging Gunaikurnai people as traditional owners of the land and embedding culture and language into our programs.
- At Lucknow, we use our environment to support positive behaviour.
- Children thrive when connecting with their natural environment through open-ended play experiences and natural elements (dirt, water, sand)
- Children form empathy towards all living things through enjoyment of nature and a sense of responsibility within quality environmental programs.
- The Lucknow community are dedicated to promoting and implementing sustainable practices, including edible gardens.
- Lucknow promotes the use of recycled, reusable, natural and sustainable resources.
- Inspired by Walker Learning, Robin and Toni Christie (Childspace NZ) and Stephanie Alexander kitchen/garden program the environment is recognised for its potential to inspire children.